Thursday, May 21, 2009

Get Things Done; Wicked Burn

Great, now it's time for me to settle my stuffs. Quite a number of things to be done. Settle ERP fine; Settle my monthly instalment; Bank in some funds into my bank account if not it will be close by end of this month due to $0 for the bank to deduct any further as a $2 will be deducted every month if the account is lesser than $500; Collect my diploma certificate and inform SPF so that they can arrange another interview for me. Oh my god. I'm tired but still have to strangle on as I've not yet accomplish a lot of things that I can think of. This is life.
Celebrated Kenneth's birthday this morning at the timing of 12.15am! Stun! Well, quite interesting though. Haha.

Sometimes, if one discovers a person already has a fuck face or normally term as " Jiao Bin" or dislikes the sight of a person, one will find somethings that he/she don't like about that person. If one dislikes a person, one will definitely say somethings bad about that person and feels angry or irritated by the person's actions, speech or even the laughter's. If one hates a person, one will just condemn that person, totally no interactions with that person will be carry out, including all the above. Worse come to all, if one hates a person TO THE CORE, what will happen? No matter how close that person is related to. Kill/beat up that person? Fuck care (doesn't care at all and act as if don't know that person)? Burst out and FUCK some senses into that person to let him/her knows what are the problems but after that still continue to hate that person? Continuously going against that person / insulting that person so badly until he/she can't take it anymore? Or the Godlike way: putting everything down, forgive and forget, still treat that person nicely and good or even still befriend that person!?

Actually all these is up to individual to decide, others can't really do anything, and can't expect others to decide for you. All person have their own individual point of views depends on how one look at it.

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